Whether to Abolish or Introduce Dual Regulation as Trade and Environmental Policy?

  • SSCI
作者: Yoshihiro Hamaguchi*;Yoshihiro Hamaguchi Yoshihiro Hamaguchi Yoshihiro Hamaguchi*
通讯作者: Yoshihiro Hamaguchi;Yoshihiro Hamaguchi Yoshihiro Hamaguchi Yoshihiro Hamaguchi
作者机构: Junior Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan
通讯机构: Junior Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan
语种: 英文
期刊: 中国与世界经济:英文版
ISSN: 1671-2234
年: 2024
卷: 32
期: 1
页码: 57-95
基金类别: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS KAKENHI) [19K13706, 22K13409
摘要: China, which has already introduced an environmental tax in an effort to decarbonize, has recently begun emissions trading and is using two environmental policies in tandem, but there are concerns about the impact on growth and trade. Trade and environmental policies affect firms' entry and exit, resulting in changes in aggregate productivity and pollution emissions. This study compares the impacts of single regulation and dual regulation on welfare, using a research-and-development based growth model with heterogeneous firms. Under single regulation, the cleansing effect of trade liberalization could be undermined. Under dual regulation, trade liberalization decreases po...
